Results for 'William D. Collins'

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  1.  54
    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Steven I. Miller, Frank A. Stone, William K. Medlin, Clinton Collins, W. Robert Morford, Marc Belth, John T. Abrahamson, Albert W. Vogel, J. Don Reeves, Richard D. Heyman, K. Armitage, Stewart E. Fraser, Edward R. Beauchamp, Clark C. Gill, Edward J. Nemeth, Gordon C. Ruscoe, Charles H. Lyons, Douglas N. Jackson, Bemman N. Phillips, Melvin L. Silberman, Charles E. Pascal, Richard E. Ripple, Harold Cook, Morris L. Bigge, Irene Athey, Sandra Gadell, John Gadell, Daniel S. Parkinson, Nyal D. Royse & Isaac Brown - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (1):1-28.
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    Review of Collin Rice's Leveraging Distortions: Explanation, Idealization, and Universality in Science[REVIEW]William D'Alessandro - 2022 - BJPS Review of Books.
  3.  74
    9/11 Impact on Teenage Values.Edward F. Murphy, Mark D. Woodhull, Bert Post, Carolyn Murphy-Post, William Teeple & Kent Anderson - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 69 (4):399-421.
    Did the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S. cause the values of teenagers in the U.S. to change? Did their previously important self-esteem and self-actualization values become less important and their survival and safety values become more important? Changes in the values of teenagers are important for practitioners, managers, marketers, and researchers to understand because high school students are our current and future employees, managers, and customers, and research has shown that values impact work and consumer-related attitudes and (...)
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    Benjamin Wardhaugh. Gunpowder and Geometry: The Life of Charles Hutton: Pit Boy, Mathematician, and Scientific Rebel. 312 pp., bibl., notes, illus., index. London: William Collins, 2019. £20 (cloth). E-book available. [REVIEW]Victor D. Boantza - 2020 - Isis 111 (3):672-674.
  5.  13
    The Elusive Self.Selfless Persons.Hywel D. Lewis & Steven Collins - 1985 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 45 (3):461-465.
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    History of philosophy in the making: a symposium of essays to honor Professor James D. Collins on his 65th birthday.James Collins & Linus J. Thro (eds.) - 1982 - Washington, D.C.: University Press of America.
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    The Place of Volition in Education.William J. Collins - 1913 - International Journal of Ethics 23 (4):379-396.
  8.  81
    Discontinuities of provably correct operators on the provably recursive real numbers.William J. Collins & Paul Young - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (4):913-920.
    In this paper we continue, from [2], the development of provably recursive analysis, that is, the study of real numbers defined by programs which can be proven to be correct in some fixed axiom system S. In particular we develop the provable analogue of an effective operator on the set C of recursive real numbers, namely, a provably correct operator on the set P of provably recursive real numbers. In Theorems 1 and 2 we exhibit a provably correct operator on (...)
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    On the interpretability of arithmetic in set theory.George E. Collins & J. D. Halpern - 1970 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 11 (4):477-483.
  10. Intersectionality as Critical Social Theory.Patricia Hill Collins, Elaini Cristina Gonzaga da Silva, Emek Ergun, Inger Furseth, Kanisha D. Bond & Jone Martínez-Palacios - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (3):690-725.
  11.  19
    The Gendered Consequences of a Weak Infrastructure of Care: School Reopening Plans and Parents’ Employment During the COVID-19 Pandemic.William J. Scarborough, Liana Christin Landivar, Leah Ruppanner & Caitlyn Collins - 2021 - Gender and Society 35 (2):180-193.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has upended in-person public education across the United States, a critical infrastructure of care that parents—especially mothers—depend on to work. To understand the nature and magnitude of school closures across states, we collected detailed primary data—the Elementary School Operating Status database —to measure the percentage of school districts offering in-person, remote, and hybrid instruction models for elementary schools by state in September 2020. We link these data to the Current Population Survey to evaluate the association between school (...)
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  12.  5
    Interpreting R.G. Collingwood: Critical Essays.David Collins & Christopher Williams (eds.) - 2024 - Cambridge University Press.
  13. On reissuing Venturini.Gerald O'collins & D. Kendall - 1994 - Gregorianum 75 (2):241-265.
    Une Vie de Jésus par Karl Heinrich Venturini développait deux hypothèses : Jésus était en rapport avec les Esséniens, et il avait survécu à la crucifixion. Dans son Geschichte der Leben-Jesu Forschung, A. Schweitzer montre que Venturini a été plagié durant tout le XIXe siècle. Le présent article passe en revue douze auteurs du XXe siècle qui ont reproduit les thèses de Venturini. L'article évalue ensuite de façon critique la dernière version de Venturini, le Jesus and the Riddle of the (...)
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  14. Determinism and freewill: Anthony Collins' A philosophical inquiry concerning human liberty: with a discussion of the opinions of Hobbes, Locke, Pierre Bayle, William King and Leibniz.Anthony Collins - 1976 - The Hague: M. Nijhoff. Edited by James O'Higgins.
  15. Christ's Resurrection and the Aorist Passive of εγειρω.D. Kendall & G. O'collins - 1993 - Gregorianum 74 (4):725-735.
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  16. Belief, desire, and revision.D. Collins - 1988 - Mind 97 (July):333-42.
  17. Speculative philosophy.William Bernard Collins - 1947 - Dubuque,: Loras College Press.
  18. The Lure of Wisdom.James D. Collins - 1962 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 19 (4):435-435.
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  19. Heidegger's Temporal Idealism.William D. Blattner - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is a systematic reconstruction of Heidegger's account of time and temporality in Being and Time. The author locates Heidegger in a tradition of 'temporal idealism' with its sources in Plotinus, Leibniz, and Kant. For Heidegger, time can only be explained in terms of 'originary temporality', a concept integral to his ontology. Blattner sets out not only the foundations of Heidegger's ontology, but also his phenomenology of the experience of time. Focusing on a neglected but central aspect of Being (...)
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  20.  14
    Longitudinal and experimental investigations of implicit happiness and explicit fear of happiness.Amanda C. Collins, D. Gage Jordan, Gregory Bartoszek, Jenna Kilgore, Alisson N. S. Lass & E. Samuel Winer - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Some individuals devalue positivity previously associated with negativity (Winer & Salem, 2016). Positive emotions (e.g. happiness) may be seen as threatening and result in active avoidance of futu...
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  21.  23
    The Spatial Learning Task of Lhermitte and Signoret (1972): Normative Data in Adults Aged 18–45.Alana Collins, Michael M. Saling, Sarah J. Wilson, Graeme D. Jackson & Chris Tailby - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:860982.
    ObjectiveThe Spatial Learning Task of Lhermitte and Signoret is an object-location arbitrary associative learning task. The task was originally developed to evaluate adults with severe amnesia. It is currently used in populations where the memory system either is not yet fully developed or where it has been compromised (e.g. epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, electroconvulsive therapy, cerebrovascular disease and dementia). Normative data have been published for paediatric cohorts and for older adults, however no data exist for the intervening adult years.MethodHere, we (...)
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  22. Natural Ethical Facts: Evolution, Connectionism, and Moral Cognition.William D. Casebeer - 2003 - Bradford.
    In Natural Ethical Facts William Casebeer argues that we can articulate a fully naturalized ethical theory using concepts from evolutionary biology and cognitive science, and that we can study moral cognition just as we study other forms of cognition. His goal is to show that we have "softly fixed" human natures, that these natures are evolved, and that our lives go well or badly depending on how we satisfy the functional demands of these natures. Natural Ethical Facts is a (...)
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  23.  26
    Provably recursive real numbers.William J. Collins - 1978 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 19 (4):513-522.
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    A Further Word on Likert-Scales Inspired by “Rules of Rightness”.Collin D. Barnes - 2023 - Tradition and Discovery 49 (1):27-33.
    This brief commentary treats Polanyi’s newly found lecture, “Rules of Rightness,” as an occasion to revisit some earlier claims I made about the use of rating scales in social science research. It serves as something of an interim report on an ongoing inquiry into what an effective response to social science would look like from a Polanyian perspective.
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  25. Aristotle's political science, common sense, and the Socratic tradition in the city and man.Susan D. Collins - 2015 - In Timothy Burns (ed.), Brill's Companion to Leo Strauss' Writings on Classical Political Thought. Boston: Brill.
  26. The Engines of the Soul.William D. Hart - 1988 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This study is an unusual contribution to the philosophy of mind in that it argues for the sometimes unfashionable view of dualism: that mind and matter are distinct and separate entities as Descartes believed. The author takes as his point of departure the imaginative hypothesis of disembodiment, which establishes the possibility of the mind's being a quite non-material thing. There are clear casual correlations between what is physical and what is mental, and the most serious issue confronting dualism since Descartes (...)
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  27.  36
    Norms, Childcare Costs, and Maternal Employment.William J. Scarborough, Liana Christin Landivar, Caitlyn Collins & Leah Ruppanner - 2021 - Gender and Society 35 (6):910-939.
    In this article, we investigate how state-to-state differences in U.S. childcare costs and gender norms are associated with maternal employment. Although an abundance of research has examined factors that influence mothers’ employment, few studies explore the interrelationship between maternal employment and culture, policy, and individual resources across U.S. states. Using a representative sample of women in the 2017 American Community Survey along with state-level measures of childcare costs and gender norms, we examine the relationship between these state conditions and mothers’ (...)
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  28. Aristotle and the Rediscovery of Citizenship.Susan D. Collins - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    Aristotle and the Rediscovery of Citizenship confronts a question that is central to Aristotle's political philosophy as well as to contemporary political theory: what is a citizen? Answers prove to be elusive, in part because late twentieth-century critiques of the Enlightenment called into doubt fundamental tenets that once guided us. Engaging the two major works of Aristotle's political philosophy, his Nicomachean Ethics and his Politics, Susan D. Collins poses questions that current discussions of liberal citizenship do not adequately address. (...)
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  29.  8
    Metaphysics and man.William Bernard Collins - 1959 - Dubuque, Iowa,: Loras College Press.
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  30.  14
    „Eigentlich bist du eine Frau. Du bestehst aus Sensationen“ Misogyny as Cultural Critique in Elias Canetti’s Die Blendung.William Collins Donahue - 1997 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 71 (4):668-700.
    Der Aufsatz vertieft bestehende feministische Lesarten von Canettis Blendung, indem er zentrale intertextuelle Bezüge offenlegt und den Roman in den Kontext jener Debatten stellt, die nach dem Ende des ersten Weltkriegs in Europa geführt worden sind. Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich insbesondere mit der Rolle der Misogynie, die Canetti als vermeintliche Lösung der notorischen „Krise des Subjekts“ und festen Bestandteil der Hochkultur kritisiert. Das Augenmerk gilt nicht allein den weiblichen Figuren, sondern auch der narrativen Konstruktion des „Weiblichen“; umso schärfere Konturen gewinnen (...)
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  31.  21
    Friedman, JH, 167 Friedman, N., 165.A. Collins, J. L. Coolidge, T. Coote, B. Corrigan, D. D. Cummins, H. B. Curry, J. Czerlinksi, C. Daood, L. Daston & S. B. Datta - 2002 - In Renée Elio (ed.), Common sense, reasoning, & rationality. New York: Oxford University Press.
  32. The Lexus and the Olive Tree by Thomas L. Friedman.D. Collins - 2001 - Business and Society 40 (2):226-234.
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    Elephanta and the Ritual of the Lakulīśa-PāśupatasElephanta and the Ritual of the Lakulisa-Pasupatas.Charles D. Collins - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (4):605.
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  34.  12
    The Place of Volition in Education.William J. Collins - 1912 - International Journal of Ethics 23 (4):379.
  35.  3
    A Preface to Sartre.D. Collins - 1979 - Télos 1979 (40):198-202.
  36.  87
    What Do You Mean, Rhetoric Is Epistemic?William D. Harpine - 2004 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 37 (4):335 - 352.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:What Do You Mean, Rhetoric Is Epistemic?William D. HarpineIn 1967, Robert L. Scott (1967) advocated that "rhetoric is epistemic." This concept has enriched the work of rhetorical theorists and critics. Scott's essay is founded in a concept of argumentative justification in rhetoric, viewed as an alternative to analytic logic. Other writers, including Brummett (1976), Railsback (1983), and Cherwitz and Hikins (1986), have offered variations on Scott's theme. The (...)
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  37. The concept of death in Being and Time.William D. Blattner - 1994 - Man and World 27 (1):49-70.
  38.  32
    Mirror-image matching and mental rotation problem solving by baboons (< em> Papio papio): Unilateral input enhances performance.William D. Hopkins, Joël Fagot & Jacques Vauclair - 1993 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 122 (1):61.
  39.  31
    Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics.Robert C. Bartlett & Susan D. Collins (eds.) - 2011 - University of Chicago Press.
    The _Nicomachean Ethics_ is one of Aristotle’s most widely read and influential works. Ideas central to ethics—that happiness is the end of human endeavor, that moral virtue is formed through action and habituation, and that good action requires prudence—found their most powerful proponent in the person medieval scholars simply called “the Philosopher.” Drawing on their intimate knowledge of Aristotle’s thought, Robert C. Bartlett and Susan D. Collins have produced here an English-language translation of the _Ethics_ that is as remarkably (...)
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    New Light on Old Boys: Cognitive and Institutional Particularism in the Peer Review System. [REVIEW]H. M. Collins & G. D. L. Travis - 1991 - Science, Technology and Human Values 16 (3):322-341.
    Peer review of grant applications, it has been suggested, might be distorted by what is popularly termed old boyism, cronyism, or particularism. We argue that the existing debate emphasizes the more uninteresting aspects of the peer review system and that the operation of old boyism, as currently understood would have little effect on the overall direction of science. We identify a phenomenon of cognitive particularism, which we consider to be more important than the institutional cronyism analyzed in previous studies. We (...)
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  41.  20
    Attuning psychology to contingent knowledge from a postcritical perspective.Collin D. Barnes - 2021 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 41 (2):139-146.
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  42. Machine Intelligence 1.N. L. Collins, D. Michie & E. Dale - 1968 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 19 (3):271-274.
  43.  27
    Effects of mental set upon vestibular nystagmus.William E. Collins - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (2):191.
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  44. William James and gestalt psychology.William D. Woody - 1999 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 20 (1):79-92.
    To date, there have been only two scholarly papers devoted to a comparison of Gestalt psychology with the psychology of William James. An early paper by Mary Whiton Calkins called attention to numerous similarities between these two schools of thought. However, a more recent paper by Mary Henle argues that the ideas of William James, as presented in The Principles of Psychology, are irrelevant to Gestalt psychology. In what follows, this claim is evaluated both in terms of The (...)
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  45.  49
    The Distribution of Life‐Saving Pharmaceuticals: Viewing the Conflict Between Social Efficiency and Economic Efficiency Through a Social Contract Lens.William D. Reisel & Linda M. Sama - 2003 - Business and Society Review 108 (3):365-387.
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    A Framework for the Ethical Analysis of Corporate Political Activity.William D. Oberman - 2004 - Business and Society Review 109 (2):245-262.
  47.  36
    The epistemological chain in high-level adventure sports coaches.L. Collins, D. Collins & D. Grecic - unknown
    This paper considers the personal epistemology of adventure sports coaches, the existence of the epistemological chain and its impact on professional judgment and decision-making. The epistemological chain’s role and operationalization in other fields is considered, offering clues to how it may manifest itself in the adventure sports coach context. High-level adventure sports coaches were interviewed and an interpretive phenomenological analysis approach was adopted for the interview transcripts. Based on these data, we suggest that the epistemological chain provides the criteria by (...)
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  48. Is Heidegger a Kantian idealist?William D. Blattner - 1994 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 37 (2):185 – 201.
    It is argued that Heidegger should be seen as something of a Kantian Idealist. Like Kant, Heidegger distinguishes two standpoints (transcendental and empirical) which we can occupy when we ask the question whether natural things depend on us. He agrees with Kant that from the empirical or human standpoint we are justified in saying that natural things do not depend on us. But in contrast with Kant, Heidegger argues that from the transcendental standpoint we can say neither that natural things (...)
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  49. Reading between the lines: exploring the unwritten rules of letters of recommendation in the Canadian resident selection process.Christen Rachul, Benjamin Collins, Nancy Porhownik & William Fleisher - 2024 - Canadian Medical Education Journal 15 (5):33-45.
    Background: Efforts to better understand and improve letters of recommendation (LORs) in the resident selection process have identified unwritten rules and hidden practices that may limit their effectiveness. The objective of our study is to explore these unwritten rules and hidden practices more fully in one Canadian academic medical community. -/- Methods: We conducted semi-structured, discourse-based interviews with 18 faculty members from the departments of Internal Medicine and Psychiatry at the University of Manitoba, Canada. Interviews were guided by sample LORs (...)
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  50. William Channing Woodbridge: Geographer.William D. Walters - 1993 - Journal of Social Studies Research 16:42-47.
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